Alexei Martynenko


Jorneys over the 2007Jorneys over the 2007
Thailand, Germany, Switzerland,Italy, Adygea, Corsica.
Wedding in sevsk on the 16th of july 2006Wedding in sevsk on the 16th of july 2006
Thanks for everybody who tooked part in that very important event for our family.
Wedding in RetroWedding in Retro
Sheregesh 2006Sheregesh 2006
That was great
Pictures of the city, churches and it's outskirts.
My best picturesMy best pictures
In my opinion those are best pictures I've made. By the way, I'll appreciate your comments on which pictures do you like.
My houseMy house
Photos of my house made for an article in "Archydom" magazine
Corporate pictures
Pictures from beautifull places I've been.
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